Life is always best at the beach


Growing up in California I fell in love with the water. I always felt happier just sitting staring at something that is truly a gift from God.

Problems always seemed like they got easier staring at the water, it was magical in some way.

These are my children and a new addition my step son up above. They are what makes life worth living. They make me fight for a better life and better me. Children are so darn amazing their love is easy, you just need to learn to listen and love them back. Being there for your children no matter what.
They need direction and guidance and always be a parent first not a friend that comes later.

It hasn’t been a walk in the park, kids after divorce has their days and believe me I went to bed many nights crying and wondering was this really the best thing to do?
For me yes, it’s never never easy to walk away from a life you had.

You have to learn what you want and what makes you happy in life. No one can do that for you, it is 100% up to you and only you

Life has its moments to where you don’t know whats around the corner and at anytime can sneak up and bite you real hard in the butt. Your going to have to learn to take these moments and learn from them. How you react can make a difference. Sometimes just stepping back and breathing can help.

There is no hand book for life after divorce or many other life’s trials and really no matter what you have to move on and let it go. Hard I know, doesn’t matter who is right or wrong your children can’t move forward if there is hate and anger. Even in the worse situations you still need to be the bigger person and move on.

My life changed  4 years ago and I understand……. hurt, pain, anger, sadness, betrayal, loneliness and being a scared single parent. Its was no ones business and I kept to myself.

The one thing I learned over the years is letting go. I have been able to open a door to learn to trust, love and hope again. Its a FIGHT every dam day! I choice to fight because I want a better me. It might seem silly to a person who’s never felt that pain before but its real and its a cold world to be in.

My children are what makes me want to live life to where they see their mom loving who she is and fighting to stay on top and teaching them to learn to forgive and let go!

Life is a gift from God, make everyday count!

Love, Becca

Fight For A Better You

FB_IMG_1456677788533Fighting for a better you. Who knew how hard that could be.

I woke up one one day to my life changing right before my eyes. My marriage wasn’t what I thought it was. I was scared and stopped believing in Gods plan for me or really anything I put my heart into. I just was numb.

I became a single mom of 6. I started going back to work again ( hadn’t worked in a very long time outside the home ) between 4 am and 5 am which means mornings were very early.

So life wasn’t the easiest and raising 6 kids plus 3 dogs……..yep, I was a walking ZOMIE!

Time has gone by almost 4 years later, which I will surly talk about more in due time. I had to make a choice, to ether pity myself or fight for a better me. I fight like HELL everyday for a new me. When I made that choice to become a single mom I knew my life would change in a new direction.

Life is about learning everyday and teaching yourself new things in life. Being Negative wont help you it will just bring you down. keep your head up high and remember your worth Gods love and when you have him in your heart nothing can bring you down!

I will never forget those nights after putting my kids to bed staying up crying thinking God hates me, why me why did this have to happen? But it was those nights that God held my hand and got me through each day and each night. Working and learning to be that strong woman I knew I had to be wasn’t easy but let me tell you I needed my self worth back, so fighting like hell is the only way I knew I would love me again…….

Loving yourself isn’t easy, but let me say its worth giving it a try! Fight for a better you your worth it.

Love, Becca